Supporting equal access to opportunity for all.

Our Focus Areas


There is more than enough food in the world to keep everyone full, but we struggle with access, distribution, and education. We want to challenge how communities think about food access and re-image how our local food system functions.


We believe the opportunity to pursue knowledge of any kind should be given freely, regardless of economic status, age, neighborhood, or anything else. So we invest in programs that provide both book-smarts and critical thinking skills in a broad range of industries, from after-school programs to business entrepreneurship.


The systemic issues women face range from straightforward lack of opportunity to lack of support to help confidently pursue an opportunity. We look for programs, causes, and other social investments that provide support or develop foundational skills to empower women to make the best choices for them and their family.

We’re building pathways to opportunity.

At the Pathways Foundation, we grant funds to programs and people creating pathways to success and opportunity in metro Detroit.